From knowledge to innovation we identify and add value


The Business Innovation Science Unit Ars Innovatio aims to convert knowledge into innovations that can be used by companies, as well as the deployment of the necessary actions for its effective transfer with criteria that avoid discrimination and exclusivity..

It is an Unidad Científica de Innovación Empresarial (UCIE) of the Universidad de Alicante , established under an agreement with the Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación (AVI) The aim is to carry out the necessary actions for their effective transfer with criteria that avoid discrimination and exclusivity. Its mission is to carry out innovation activities on R&D results from the public research system in order to make them useful to society, consisting of obtaining finished and verified prototypes, ready to be incorporated into the production system.

Ars Innovatio's mission is twofold: on the one hand, to provide products and methods that create business or provide competitive advantage in the productive sector; and on the other hand, to identify opportunities for innovation to make effective the transfer of technology and knowledge in the field of Information, Communication and Control Technologies (ICTC).

In fulfilling its mission, the UCIE Ars Innovatio is at the disposal of the R+D+I community to support innovation initiatives, whatever their field, especially those of the University of Alicante, and to carry out transdisciplinary projects in accordance with the opportunities that the foresight department detects in the business sectors.

The values that inspire Ars Innovatio are the vocation to generate social benefit, especially progress, wealth and employment, through the return to society of the results of R&D&I financed with public funds; and from a sectorial point of view, to train researchers integrally, both in scientific and technical knowledge, as well as in personal and teamwork skills within the organisation of the knowledge production chain..

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Esta actuación ha sido financiada por la AVI y por la Unión Europea a través de Fondos FEDER